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This website was created by Justraw Creatives

The Wedding Party


Maid of Honor


Shalina is Ashley’s only and favorite older sister. Despite the fact she still resides in Ashley’s hometown on the west coast they still are very close and have always maintained a great relationship. Ashley spent much of her childhood attached to Shalina’s hip. They went everywhere together, mostly against Shalina’s will lol. But she has always been there for her sister. Much like she and Ashley’s mother, Shalina can command a room when she walks in. We love her style, sense of humor and ability to bring the bright side of things out. There was no doubt she would be the maid of honor.



Holly Fuller

Holly is Ashley’s best friend since their sophomore year in high school. Bonding over journalism and theater, they quickly became inseparable. Holly has always been a leader and does a lot to give back to her community in LA. Not only does Holly live in Ashley’s hometown but she has managed to build a relationship with Ashley’s family as well. From sharing the most intimate moments to traveling together, It is safe to say Holly knows Ashley better than most. And not to mention she’s also long time church friends of Nicholas and is the reason this couple is even together in the first place. We both love Holly!



Jordan Luster

Jordan is Nicholas’s younger sister and Ashley’s soon to be sister in law. From teaching, to real estate to killing motherhood, Jordan is very smart, hardworking and does it all. Her strong will, kindness and infectious personality is one you gravitate towards and a few of the reasons we love her most. Not only is she a great, supportive sister to Nic, but she and Ashley have managed to build a great relationship over the last few years. She makes it known that she is just a phone call away. Not to mention she is an amazing aunt to our daughter Zhuri and we are so blessed to have her in our wedding.



Shala Nettles

Shala is one of Ashley’s newest yet closest best friends. Although they met in 9th grade their relationship really hit it off in the last few years. From spending hours on the phone to have the best girls night outs together it’s no wonder how they’ve managed to become so close. Shala is the friend that every girl should have in their corner. She’s got beauty, brains, she’s always supportive and keeps it real. It was a no brainer for her to be in the wedding.



Alexis Black

Alexis is a long time, best friend of Ashley since they met in dance and theater class back in freshman year of high school. Sharing many mutual friends and many same interests, Alexis and Ashley have spent a ton of time together growing their friendship. Alexis is a Famu graduate, entrepreneur, and super fashionista. Her fabulousness and desire to have the finer things in life is what makes her such a motivational friend to be around. We absolutely love Alexis and are happy to have her in the wedding.



Morgan Rucker

Morgan is Nicholas’s older sister and Ashley’s soon to be sister in law. When you think of the fabulous aunt who travels the world, living her best life you can think of Morgan. Not to mention she’s a whole pilot. Can you say black girl magic?! She’s an inspiration to us all. Morgan is a life of the party type spirit and always so much fun to be around. You won’t have a dull moment with her. She’s a great big sister to Nicholas and we couldn’t have had our wedding without her in it.



Charmaine Smith

Charm is Ashley’s longest, childhood best friend. They met in Ivy Commons apartments after both moving to Atlanta around the same time. They pretty much grew up together from then. They have lived together and have shared many special moments with each other over the years. They are basically family. Not many people know Ashley as well as Charm. I’m grateful that we have been able to go on this journey together for so long and being able to witness each other’s greatest accomplishments.



Best Man

Xavier Moffett

Xavier Moffett aka “Antoine”  Is one of my closest friends. I’ve known him for too long at this point and were getting old. I can walk in his house or him in mine with no problem his family is mine vice versa. We don’t went from getting in trouble, sneaking out the house, stealing his dads car just for it to breakdown on us (Shon witnessed this). Now we’re both growing adults navigating through fatherhood. He’s the god leather to my daughter Zhuri and I’m glad he is apart of this wedding, because he’s also a person that was there the day I put the Mack down on Ashley. Thanks for being a part of this



Raymond Douglas

Raymond Douglas aka DJ Ray Ray is 305. We met in college and been cool since day one. I was actually apart of his wedding. We went from free styling and him making beats in college at University of West Georgia, and now our kids play together. He’s a great person to be around and I’m glad he’s gonna be in this wedding.



Everett Hackney

Everett Hackney aka Gucci is also 305 solidified. I met Gucci in college and we would go to class, turn up, “try” to stay out of trouble and hoop. Me and Gucci been solid since day one . He has a good heart and he would never switch up on his friends. Gucci is chill and relaxed  but is the life of the party at the same time. I’m glad we met and glad we he will be in the wedding.



Christopher Moody

Christopher Moody “Duke” is a part of 305, we met in college at University of West Georgia and been cool ever since. From long nights of studying, partying and growing older together.  He’s one of the funniest guys I know and is a great person to be around. I knew he was gonna be a part of this weddding thanks for being a part of it bro.



Sam Murphy

Crazy story that most people don’t know is I have a little brother. It’s crazy cus we sorta look alike except this man got lucky and is tall. He’s a great guy, a God fearing man and he’s so calm and collected and very smart. He was raised in Minnesota where I had a blast visiting him. I’m so excited for him to be apart of the wedding. Thanks a lot bro.



Shon Redding

Shon Redding is one of my oldest friends. More like a big brother to me, I knew him easily over 10-15 years and we have been solid since the beginning. Even though I didn’t used to like him cus he dated my sister, but it’s all good. He’s helped me, taught me a craft, took me to hoop when no one else would, looked out for me as I was growing and of course we had a bunch of good times partying. He’s a good hardworking man and I probably wouldn’t be exactly who I am without him. I’m glad he’s in this wedding.



Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson is a good friend I met from hooping at a Mormon church then being close from Antoine. He was someone that always used to preacher ownership and LLC when we were growing up. He’s a good guy, we had a lot of good times going out and playing ball. We’ve worked together even tho I tell him he can’t hang in the trenches with the big boys like me and Shon. He still became successful without the trench life. He was actually there the night I met Ashley. He’s a great guy and I’m glad he’s in my wedding.



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